
sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014


Ten tips for a successful job interview!

We asked personnel officers at companies in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Miami, Chicago, and Vancouver: What should job applicants do to have a successful job interview?

Here is their advice:
1. - Dress neatly. Don’t dress sloppily. Comb your hair neatly.

2. - Arrive promptly. Don’t be late from your interview.
Try to arrive early.

3. - Shake hands firmly. A firm handshake shows that you are
a friendly and confident person.

4. - Look at the interviewer: Make “eye contact”. Smile!

5. - Listen carefully to the interviewer.
Listen to the question carefully so you can answer accurately.

6. - Speak politely. Don’t speak too quickly, and don’t speak
too loudly or softly.
7. - Answer question honestly. Tell the truth.

8. - Speak confidently. Describe your skills and experience
completely. If you don't have experience,
you should talk about how you can learn quickly.

9.- Speak enthusiastically. Show that you really want the job!
10.- Thank the interviewer for his or her time and express
again your interest in the job.

Some of these tips might not be correct in some cultures - for example, a firm handshake or eye contact. Are these tips correct in different cultures you know? What are other tips for job interviews.